Advance Review: Clodagh #2
From Blue Fox Comics the second issue of Clodagh is on its way to Kickstarter.
Issue one is already available and it sets up nicely the world and the threats of living in this world.
As a witch decapitates, devours and destroys anyone who stands in her way, ex-warrior Clodagh must battle through a world of mercenaries and murderous hulks to reach and rescue her stolen family.
It's an excellent grim set up and has some amazing scenes and art, the story is well told and it leads us nicely into the events of the second issue.
With Fillin on the road to recover his daughter from the witch, Clodagh and the Minister join forces to mount an attack of their own.
Written by Simon Birks
Art and colours by Willi Roberts
Letters by Rob Jones
This issue artfully splits the story into three pieces. The next clever part is that each of these three separate quests, also add in a second party to add to the story. It is well done and builds on the characters that we know, but also the whole world that we are living in.
Fillin first, on the road is having a bad time of it. The weather and the terrain is conspiring against him. It is grim with the witch sending those against him to either stop him or delay him. On the plus side, he has gained some help. In this case, it is a speaking dog - with some wise words he is pulled out of the immediate problems. There are still some problems to get past, but it looks like he will have some help.
Clodagh and the Minister take a more refined approach to it all, but Clodagh wants to get going as quickly as possible, and thanks to the aid administered from the Minister, she is ready to go. There are more wise words here from the Minister, and with her help, Clodagh is on her way. There is an interesting aspect to the Minister, as she seems to have her own issue to deal with...
Finally, there are the last couple of characters - in this case, it is Aine and the Witch. A bit of an odd couple and they are pulling in different directions, but there are some interesting character notes between the two. Aine is not totally helpless and has a few moves of her own - they play out well and it will be interesting to see the witch's plans for her.
The witch does have some other plans too - and at the end, we see the extent of those she is going to use.
This is a well-told story that draws you deep into these dark times. The art conveys the characters well and combines with some excellent colouring and lettering we really get the feeling of it all. There are some excellent light and dark scenes here and these are brilliantly shown.
We are still at the beginning of this dark tale and it is well worth jumping on board with some well build characters and an atmospheric read.
Check out Blue Fox Comics here, and you can follow their Kickstarters here.