Putting together a selection of drawings, cartoons and more that I have produced over the years was difficult. Some were done with pens and paper, and some were digital. There was an overarching theme, though - our family adventures.
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This was a regular occurrence. The squirrels were the bain of my wife’s life. We had an oak tree in our garden, and that encouraged the squirrels to our lawn. They would get the acorns and bury them around the garden and steal any of the bulbs my wife had planted and take them to who-knows-where.
We had visions of our neighbours wondering where these random plants sprouting up came from…
When we had a dog, there was the chance that she would chase the squirrels away, but there were always conversations about BB guns, traps and other ways to rid the garden of them.
I wanted to make a big fight poster with a worn look to it and where and when. It still makes me chuckle!
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