ComiXology UK Moving To Amazon UK
It's been a while coming, but it looks like the move from ComiXology to Amazon's platform is finally going to happen.
ComiXology has contacted account holders with the following information.
Hi comics fan, We are excited to announce that the team-up with Amazon is launching soon. Upon launch, the comixology UK store will redirect to a shopping experience on and the updated comiXology app will launch. To stay up to date on when these changes will happen, follow us on one of our social channels: Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. The updated store includes:
Ability to search for new releases
View featured content in Kindle Unlimited and Prime Reading programs
Ability to browse your favourite comiXology Originals titles
Discover all comics on discount
Do I need to do anything to prepare?
If you have auto-updates enabled on your mobile device, your app may update automatically. If not, you'll be asked to update to continue using your comiXology app.
For any questions or concerns, please reach out to customer service.
Thank you for being a comiXology customer! Your friends,
Let's see how that will turn out...