Digital Comics Release Round-Up 1st September 2021
It's the digital comics release round-up for the 1st September 2021.
A change, I think, and instead of just reeling off all the releases from the various publishers, I thought it better to look at each one.
For links - unless otherwise stated, most of the digital comics available are on Amazon/ComiXology. There are others though.
The new releases on ComiXology can be found here, as well as their current digital comics sales here.
For a detailed list of all the latest releases I use
From Image Comics this week there are ten new digital comics available. These are mostly ongoing series including Spawn and Gieger, but there is a one-shot; The Beauty All Good Things is a 48-page finale to the horror series.
The only Star Wars this week features the High Republic from Marvel Comics. There are some new events starting though, with Dark Ages, Demon Days and The Last Annihilation this week. I'm going to be picking up Avengers #48, Star Wars: The High Republic #9 and Dark Ages #1.
Don't forget to check Marvel's digital comics subscription service, Marvel Unlimited for all-you-can-read content of Marvel Comics. Their latest releases are here.
DC Comics has a few annuals out this week with their ongoing series including Batman/Superman 2021, Harley Quinn and Midnighter. On top of that, there is a new Batman title - Fear State Alpha is out now.
There are six new titles out from Dark Horse Comics this week, mixing their own titles like Black Hammer with licensed properties such as The Witcher.
Dark Horse Comics also has a "Back To School" digital comics sale now on.
IDW Publishing continues to mix with the Sandman Universe with Locke & Key / The Sandman Universe: Hell & Gone #2. There are also two Transformers comics out this week, with the ongoing series (review coming soon) and King Grimlock.
From Boom! Studios there are five new titles - also mixing their own titles with licensed titles. We've got Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Magic: The Gathering, Basilisk #4, and more...
Scout Comics has two new series starting this week, a one-shot and two more ongoings. There looks to be a great mix with Mullet Cop #1, Tart : Demons and Demagogues One Shot #1 and Little Guardians #1.
Action Lab continues The Citizen series and has a new series starting in Hath No Fury #1. From Aftershock Comics there is Phantom on the Scan #5 as well as new series with a great-looking cover and concept called Almost American #1. From Dynamite Entertainment, as well as continuing Vengeance of Vampirella, there is a new Red Sonja series starting. There is also a Dynamite Omnibus Sale! with 60 graphic novels or collections available.
Antarctic Press has issue #14 of Existing Comics out this week, and the fifth issue of Alice In Leatherland is out from Black Mask Studios.
From Heavy Metal there is a new series beginning in Taarna: Elements #1 - It's a one-shot, reprinting Taarna's adventures from Heavy Metal Magazine.
Oni Press continues season six of Kaijumax in issue #3 - this is the final season of the series. From Titan Comics the current Rivers of London story continues in Monday Monday #3 (I must have missed this and will need to catch up)
Jack Skellington's dreams are featured this week in Nightmare Before Christmas: Mirror Moon #4 from TokyoPop, while Vault Comics has issue #14 of Money Shot out this week.
Zenescope Entertainment has a very special Robyn Hood Annual out this week, and it's recommended that you check this out as it leads into the next big event of the Grimm Universe.
Archie Comics has one new release this week with Archie 80th Anniversary Jumbo Comics Digest #4. On top of that, they have two newly digitalized classics with Betty & Veronica #226 and #227 out this week. (Preview)
Shonen Jump has updated their list of free manga to read online:
This week, check out Nisekoi creator Naoshi Komi's take on an iconic One Piece chapter! Vivi has to make a great decision that will alter her life forever. Plus, see what Tokiyuki and his team are planning amidst an all out battle in The Elusive Samurai! Read these and more FREE!Â
Check out Shonen Jump here.
There are the latest webcomics to read on Webtoon, Tapas, and Graphite. Updating all the time with a wide selection of comics genres to read.
The latest 2000 AD - Prog 2247 is available this week from Rebellion. With a new Judge Dredd and Tharg's 3hrillers story with the current ongoing stories. Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop and apps for iPad, Android, Windows 10
Dan Whitehead has released a selection of his comics in digital format on BuySmallPress this week. You can get Ella Upgraded Volume 1, Frankenstein Texas and Midwinter.
On indie comics subscription service, Comichaus, there is a selection of new digital comics to read from TidalWave Productions. 10th Muse Vol.1 #11, Ray Harryhausen's Flying Saucers vs. Earth #2, and Jason and the Argonauts: Kingdom of Hades #3 are some of the new ones. Also added recently is a self-published book called Chlorophil.

Free this week is Dead Man's Run #0 from Aspen Comics.
They call the prison "Hell." And they just might be right. The nation's toughest soldier heads into the world's most deadly maximum security lock-up and uncovers a world of terror and temptation beyond his darkest dreams. Featuring a brand-new story that sets the stage for DEAD MAN'S RUN #1, make sure to get in on the ground floor of this newest exciting Aspen hit series!
From acclaimed "Hulk" writer Greg Pak, legendary "Walking Dead" producer Gale Ann Hurd, and Tony Parker, penciller of the Eisner-nominated "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", comes the blockbuster new series - DEAD MAN'S RUN!
Also on DriveThruComics:
Broken Gargoyles: Sin and Virtue #3, Twiztid Haunted High-Ons: The Darkness Rises Collected Ed., The Prisoner #2, The Era of Great Wonders #6, Suicide Jockeys 1 and Touching Evil #16 from Source Point Press
Welcome to Waterbury #4 and Eartha Kitt: Femme Fatale: Graphic Novel Edition Eartha Kitt: Femme Fatale #1 from TidalWave Productions
Bountiful Garden #1 from Mad Cave Studios
Money Shot #10, Finger Guns Volume 1, Deadbox #1 and Engineward #4 from Vault Comics
Laughs & Ladies from Mini-Komix
Martian Comics Catch-Up Edition #1 from Martian Lit
Quantum Vibe: This Means War (Part 1) from Big Head Press