In his first Kickstarter, Pat Mills has joined with Olivier Ledroit to bring you Sha Volume 1: The Shadow One. This looks epic and I can’t wait to see it!
France, the 16th century. Lara, a sixteen-year-old girl accused of witchcraft, burns at the stake. As she dies, she summons the Earth Goddess and swears revenge on her murderers.
We see her spirit ascend from the flames and travel through time and space to the future city of New Eden.
It's a city of killer robots, skyships, and TV execution shows to entertain the masses.
But Lara is not alone.

We’re creating a stunning deluxe edition of SHA, in keeping with the high standards of French bande dessinée. Something to collect and cherish. This deluxe edition is exclusive to Kickstarter and will not be available for sale anywhere else.
We’re also offering a standard hardcover edition. Details of both, below!
SHA is a science fantasy, revenge story set in the futuristic, nightmare city of New Eden. It features DETECTIVE DUFFY, who is assigned to hunt down the deadly assassin SHA.
If you’re missing the golden age of 2000AD, with its fondly-remembered classics, you’ll find similar elements and more in SHA: futuristic death games, amazing SF vehicles, crazy, robotic villains, fanatical space missionaries and President John Smith XXIX, the 29th clone of the American President.
In fact, SHA was originally inspired by my Sláine saga, where I first came across Scatha, an amazing, Irish champion who taught Celtic Cuchulain his martial arts which surely makes her … the ultimate warrior! This astonishing hero evolved into SHA – The Shadow One.
For many fans, SHA will be the first time they can get their hands on an English language PRINT edition of Olivier’s work. Because our best-selling ,12-volume REQUIEM VAMPIRE KNIGHT series is currently only available digitally in English. So for print-only fans of Olivier, SHA is an absolute must!
Almost 10,000 fans visited Olivier’s Requiem Vampire Knight exhibition this year at Angoulême! There’s also a Manga series and a Requiem spinoff series in the works. But SHA is where it all began, when Olivier and I first teamed up together and we feel our Kickstarter special deluxe edition and hardback editions do this legendary series justice.
Forty-six pages of gorgeous, full colour strip-art. Exclusive to Kickstarter.
● 46 pages strip art
● 10 pages bonus art gallery
● Introduction and 'The Making of Sha' by Pat Mills
● Printed endpapers
● Ribbon placeholder
● Matt lamination, hard cover with foil detail
● Dust jacket with foil detail
● Oversized edition: 297mm x 223mm (11.6 x 8.7 inches)
It’s the same size as the deluxe edition, comes with a PPC laminated cover, printed endpapers, an introduction by Pat Mills, but no foil detail, placeholder ribbon, bonus art gallery or 'The Making of Sha' feature. Will be available for sale after the Kickstarter campaign.
The deluxe edition (bookplate signed by Pat & Olivier included with all deluxe editions)
The deluxe edition + Requiem perpetual calendar (8 available)
The deluxe edition + one-to-one writing consultancy ‘Fix your Script’ 2hrs (3 x available)*
The deluxe edition + one-to-one ‘The Magic of Sha’ 1hr (3 x available) **
The standard edition
The digital edition
Sha 1 script & synopsis signed by Pat
Bookplate signed by Pat & Olivier
Sets of postcards of the art gallery
Art prints of the art gallery signed by Pat & Olivier
Signed copies of Kiss My Axe
Copies of Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!
Copies of Spacewarp Punx Edition
*FIX YOUR SCRIPT Writing Consultancy
Pat brings his decades of writing and editing experience to your creative project. Whether it’s a completed story, a rough draft, or even an outline, Pat will help you fix, polish, or develop your idea.
Consists of 1 hour of Pat reading your script in advance of your 1 hour one-to-one video call.
2 hours total.
Spend an hour in a video call discussing with Pat the Magic of Sha. Sha was inspired by Pat’s real life experiences which were so extraordinary, he regularly gave talks about them at Psychic Questing Conferences. If you are interested in the power of reincarnation and past lives to harness your inner creativity, this is for you!
1 hour total.
Pat Mills created Britain’s most successful comic, 2000AD, which is the subject of his autobiography Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave! 2000AD and Judge Dredd: The Secret History.
He also co-created the girls’ mystery comic Misty, now enjoying new success in collected editions, and wrote many stories for girls comics such as Jinty and Tammy.
Some of his well-loved and long-running British series are the anti-war saga ‘Charley’s
War’, the Celtic barbarian ‘Sláine’, the future war robots ‘ABC Warriors’, and ‘Nemesis The Warlock’, a scathing sci-fi satire inspired by the Spanish Inquisition.
He developed and wrote Judge Dredd, Dan Dare, and series for Marvel and DC Comics. His Marshal Law—co-created with Kevin O’Neill—was a New York Times Best Seller.
He has written Doctor Who comics and audio plays and his comic story Star Beast (drawn by Watchman artist Dave Gibbons) was adapted for the first of the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary TV Specials.
Pat’s crime series Accident Man—co-created with Tony Skinner—has been adapted for two feature films starring Scott Adkins.
Pat continues to write all manner of challenging stories today, including the French graphic novel series Requiem: Vampire Knight (art by Olivier Ledroit), and is currently working on a World War 1 spy thriller series.