Get Mad Cave Studios Now On GlobalComix
GlobalComix has added a new publisher to its ever-expanding amount of comics available on the platform - Mad Cave Studios.
When we reflect on 2021, some of our fondest memories are about the new partnerships we’ve built with publishers and creators. Digital comics help break down so many barriers for both the creator and the reader.
That’s why we’re excited to announce that Mad Cave Studios are bringing their entire catalog to GlobalComix. You’ve already seen some of their titles – like Crime’s most popular of 2021, Nottingham, and sci-fi’s hit Midnight: Task Force – but now there are even more stories and chapters for you to fall in love with.
You can read many of Mad Cave's first issues for free, and get unlimited reading access to all of their stories, plus thousands more, for only $7.99 per month with GlobalComix Gold. Visit Mad Cave's profile to get started, and don’t forget to follow them for new release notifications.