Death Dealer and Dawn Attack are now available to read on GlobalComix as the works of Frank Frazetta are added to the digital platform from Opus Comics.
Check out the details below:
Opus Comics Bring FrazettaVerse Into the Digital Realm With GlobalComix
We are excited to welcome Opus Comics and the FrazettaVerse to GlobalComix Today would have been Frank Frazetta's 95th birthday, so it means a lot to our team that Opus Comics picked this as the date to bring part of Frank's legacy to GlobalComix
More comics are on the way from Opus, but today we celebrate the FrazettaVerse with the release of Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer and Frank Frazetta's Dawn Attack. Issue #1 of both titles can be read for free, with issues 2-4 of Death Dealer also available to GlobalComix Gold members, and for purchase at $3.99 each.
Purchasing individual issues will unlock digital reading access for them, in addition to enabling you to download a PDF to read on the go.
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