Review: 2000 AD - Prog 2245
Out this week from Rebellion, before we go to a new 'Regened' issue is 2000 AD - Prog 2245.
Judge Dredd: Now That's What I Call Justice! by John Wagner (w) John Higgins (a) Sally Hurst (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
An excellent finish to the story, and a worthy addition to the top 10 list that has been a part of the story. I liked Dredd's way of working things out, and it felt very 'Dirty Harry' at the end there...
Skip Tracer: Eden by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Jim Campbell (l)
A nice tease with things going wrong for the government. Nimrod plays his part well, but it looks like things are coming to a head here. I good cliffhanger ending.
Dexter: Somewhere, Beyond The Sea by Dan Abnett (w) Tazio Bettin (a) John Charles (c) Simon Bowland (l)
Full-on action here, with lots of explosions. I can see why they think Dexter was lying and his reaction at the end was excellent.
Terror Tales: The Torturer's Apprentice by Paul Starkey (w) James Newell (a) Simon Bowland (l)
A good one-shot terror tale here. I like the build-up and wondered where it was all going. So the ending didn't disappoint as it leaves us.
Aquila: The Rivers of Hades, Book One by Gordon Rennie (w) Patrick Goddard (a) Dylan Teague (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The end of this book, with a promise of battle to come. I like the reveal of the help Aquila gets and his reactions to Nero. This has been a good story.
Available in print from: newsagents and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop and apps for iPad, Android, Windows 10