Every so often, 2000 AD do a jumping-on point issue. This is to help new readers or get lapsed readers back into the progs. This is 2000 AD - Prog 2301 from Rebellion.
UK and DIGITAL: 28 September 2022 £3.25
NORTH AMERICA: 26 October 2023 $29.99 (per pack)
Judge Dredd: Half Smart by Arthur Wyatt (w) Dave Taylor (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
It’s always fun seeing the citizens being the cause of the own problems. And this issue does that. The escalation of the trouble is well done, and the ending is perfect.
Chimpsky’s Law: A Terrifically Disturbing Adventure by Ken Niemand (w) PJ Holden (a) Chris Blythe (c) Simon Bowland (l)
An interesting beginning and I can see where the problem is. I like the horror aspect here and the potential nasty things to come.
Enemy Earth: Book One by Cavan Scott (w) Luke Horsman (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
A good reintroduction, and I enjoy the art. This is going to be an interesting build with some flashbacks and a lot to come, I’m sure.
Future Shocks: Echo by Honor Vincent (w) Liana Kangas (a) Adam Cahoon (c) Jim Campbell (l)
An interesting, relevant Future Shocks, and I didn’t see that twist coming. I like the setup and the way it was played out.
Hershey by Rob Williams (w) Simon Fraser (a) Simon Bowland (l)
A new adventure for Hershey and it seems like there is something extra going on here. I like the idea of the location, and the added problems here in the cold.
Available in print from: newsagents and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop & apps for iPad, Androidand Windows 10