This week from Rebellion, there is a new issue of the science fiction anthology 2000 AD, Prog 2374. It’s out now, and I have a few thoughts on the latest issue.
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UK and DIGITAL: 20 March £3.60
NORTH AMERICA: 1 May $24.50 (per pack)
JUDGE DREDD // A DIMENSIONAL TRAVELLER'S GUIDE TO MEGA-CITY ONE by Ken Niemand (w) Joe Currie (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
A humorous look at Mega-City One, the citizens and the Judges. I like that the Meg has been closed off for conventional travellers and that some would bypass it. It's a nice Future Shock ending, too!
INDIGO PRIME // BLACK MONDAY by Kek-W (w) Lee Carter (a) Jim Campbell (l)
This issue has a twisted story, and I like how it breaks the fourth wall. There are some fun uses of the art.
THISTLEBONE // THE DULE TREE by T.C. Eglington (w) Simon Davis (a) Simon Bowland (l)
Blood and drugs in this issue, and it is all going to happen. The combination of the two is well done, and I liked the way we walked into it the same as others—some great art with the creepy and the action moments.
THE FALL OF DEADWORLD // RETRIBUTION by Kek-W (w) Dave Kendall (a) Simon Bowland (l)
This is an action-packed issue with a lot happening in a short amount of time. There was a lot packed in, and it finishes with a cliffhanger that may or may not make a big impact on the story.
FULL TILT BOOGIE // BOOK TWO by Alex de Campi (w) Eduardo Ocana (a) Eva De La Cruz (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
This was an exciting issue that didn’t go the way I expected. I wonder where this will all lead and what many aspects could play here. Even so, the character work and art are well played out.
Available in print from: newsagents and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD apps for Apple & Android