With a haunting front cover, it’s Prog 2379 of 2000 AD from Rebellion, and it's out now in print and digital form.
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UK and DIGITAL: 24 April £3.60
NORTH AMERICA: 29 May $25.50 (per pack)
JUDGE DREDD // REND & TEAR WITH TOOTH & CLAW by Rob Williams (w) RM Guera (a) Julia Brusco (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The adventure of taking Dredd out of his comfort zone continues, and the location works well. He’s got a cadet who seems to be impressing, as well as some help. The character moments for all three work well here, as does the snow-covered art.
INDIGO PRIME // BLACK MONDAY by Kek-W (w) Lee Carter (a) Jim Campbell (l)
Some good character moments and some entertaining action as things are levelling off while all the main characters get closer to each other. I still think there are some more meta-twists to come.
AQUILA // THE RIVERS OF HADES by Gordon Rennie (w) Patrick Goddard (a) Dylan Teague (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The battle lines are drawn, and the war begins. This was excellent in its build-up, and the sheer scale of the two armies was well shown. I like how this is leading us towards some big confrontations, and I wonder where it will all lead. It does feel like an epic.
BRINK // CONSUMED by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)
This issue is more relaxed, but you know what is brewing in the background. Even so, it lays the seeds well for the story and makes you tense for what is to come. Some excellent angles for the art too.
PROTEUS VEX // DEVIOUS by Mike Carroll (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Simon Bowland (l)
Some good action here with Midnight, and more hints towards what is happening with Vex. I like how this is playing out, as there are a lot more characters to juggle.
Available in print from: newsagents and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD apps for Apple & Android