Out this week in print and digital formats, the long-running 2000 AD continues with Prog 2385 from Rebellion.
UK and DIGITAL: 5 June £3.60
NORTH AMERICA: 3 July $29.50 (per pack)
JUDGE DREDD // IRON TEETH by Ken Niemand (w) Nick Percival (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The horror underground continues, and while it is always fun to see Dredd interacting with children, this one is still quite grim. The style of the art and pacing is excellent, and I like the cramped feeling of it all.
THARG'S 3RILLERS // BLUE SKIES OVER DEADWICK by David Baillie (w) Nick Brokenshire (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The final part of this story and an excellent finish to it all. It's a bittersweet finish but well told and, yet again, one I would like to see expanded. I love the storytelling through the art and the reactions of the characters.
INTESTINAUTS // BUSTED FLUSH by Arthur Wyatt (w) Pye Parr (a & l)
There are some fun twists here, and you know the next issue will ramp it up. The teamwork is well done, and the attack shows us what they can do. The location of the fight does give it higher stakes, too.
BRINK // CONSUMED by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)
There is some good character work here, and the team is getting slowly pulled in. There are some suspicious moments, though, and I’m starting to wonder about one or two of the characters. Even so, using the sect signs is a good driver for the story.
PROTEUS VEX // DEVIOUS by Mike Carroll (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Simon Bowland (l)
It's a clever issue, and this has some fun moments and the bigger political picture. We are slowly getting to the crux of the story, but I don’t mind how slow as I am enjoying the ride. I love the designs of the art in this, too.
Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android