From Rebellion, this week is 2000 AD - Prog 2402, with a conclusion in Judge Dredd and other stories continuing. It’s out now in print and digital formats.
UK and DIGITAL: 2 October £3.80
NORTH AMERICA: 4 December $31.99 (per pack)
JUDGE DREDD // SILENCE by Rob Williams (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
It's an excellent finish to the arc here. Dredd is slowly getting to the bottom of Maitland's assassination. Dredd gathers what he needs, and the ending throws it all out there. I expect the next story arc will be unrelated, but it works well with a slow burn.
THE OUT // BOOK FOUR by Dan Abnett (w) Mark Harrison (a) Simon Bowland (l)
Whether she admits it or not, Cyd struggles with everything that happened before. I love the tour feel of all of this, and there are some brilliant scenes. The mix of humour, tech and the aliens is brilliant and it looks like Cyd is looking for trouble in the cliffhanger!
NIGHTMARE NEW YORK by Kek-W (w) John Burns (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
A claustrophobic tour under the slums of New York. I like the pacing of this issue and the hints towards what to expect in the future. The feeling in the bowels is well done and I look forward to finding out more.
BRINK // CONSUMED by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)
Bonner is really going up in my estimation here, and I love his story arc in this issue. Meanwhile, we are so close to rescuing Bridgit.
ROGUE TROOPER // WHEN A G.I. DIES by Garth Ennis (w) Patrick Goddard (a) Rob Steen (l)
A great action issue for Rogue Trooper here. I love the planning and the way it is being played out. Meanwhile the Southern command is having their own problems and I love the subtle humour in this one.
Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android