It’s a bumper-sized issue of 2000 AD this week. New one-shot stories and continuing classics. This is Prog 2406 from Rebellion.
UK and DIGITAL: 30 October £4.99
NORTH AMERICA: 4 December $31.99 (per pack)
JUDGE DREDD // RETURN OF THE DEAD CHIEF JUDGES’ SOCIETY by Ken Niemand (w) Dan Cornwell (a) Matt Soffe (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
A fun one-shot story harking back to a previous adventure. New readers can jump straight in too though. I love the reactions to Dredd from the ghostly Chief Judges and the twist at the end that can be revisited!
THE OUT // BOOK FOUR by Dan Abnett (w) Mark Harrison (a) Simon Bowland (l)
A dark issue, but it fits in well with the current state of Cyd. I like that it had since earthy flashbacks and the grounding of the story.
New! THARG'S TERROR TALES // CELL THERAPY by Ed Whiting (w) Dave Taylor (a) Jim Campbell (l)
A great, dark Terror Tale that reminded me of some of the older horror stories. The masks are well done and would make an excellent Halloween costume!
NIGHTMARE NEW YORK by Kek-W (w) John Burns (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The battles below and above! I like the gradual discovery and the characters here. The threats are well played out and the art style suits both battles.
New! AZIMUTH // THE FABLED BASILISK by Dan Abnett (w) Tazio Bettin (a) Matt Soffe (c) Jim Campbell (l)
I loved this team-up in this new story arc. The use of the pairs skills was very clever and it looks like we have a mission…
New! ROBO-HUNTER VS STRONTIUM DOG by Garth Ennis (w) Henry Flint (a) Rob Steen (l)
An entertaining crossover story which has a good fun combination of humour and action. It all fits in well and reproduces the zany aspects of some of the older Progs.
BRINK // CONSUMED by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)
A great wrap-up to the story. I like the commentary on the budgets and it looks like we've got the build for the next story arc being set up.
ROGUE TROOPER // WHEN A G.I. DIES by Garth Ennis (w) Patrick Goddard (a) Rob Steen (l)
The link between the massacre, what happened afterwards and what is going on now becomes clearer. I love the mystery and the slotting in of the characters.
Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android