Out this week is the large-sized festive issue of 2000 AD from Rebellion. Prog 2413 features 100 pages for you!
UK and DIGITAL: 18 December £5.99
NORTH AMERICA: 22 January $9.99
JUDGE DREDD // LIFE LESSONS by Ken Niemand (w) David Roach (a) Chris Blythe (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
This is an entertaining story featuring Judge Dredd sorting out some perps while also advising Cadet Dredd! I liked the twist and the way it played out.
FIENDS OF THE WESTERN FRONT // WILDE WEST by Ian Edginton (w) Tiernen Trevallion (a) Jim Campbell (l)
This story has a great beginning and setup. We’ve established the major characters and their personalities. This was enthralling, and the art and colour choices were great.
PORTALS & BLACK GOO // A QUORUM OF FIENDS by John Tomlinson (w) Eoin Coveney (a) Jim Boswell (c) Simon Bowland (l)
This works well as a done-in-one story and also has something for the future. I like the different delivery companies and the little winks at what we have now. I look forward to more of this.
THISTLEBONE // THE EEL OF HARROWVALE POND by T.C. Eglington (w) Simon Davis (a)
This was a nice palette cleanser. It was some prose with a great folklore-style story. I like how it was told and its setting in this issue.
AZIMUTH // SANTA'S LITTLE HELPERS by Dan Abnett (w) Tazio Bettin (a) Matt Soffe (c) Jim Campbell (l)
Some brilliant action is taking us into the dark desert here. We’ve got more to come from this in 2025, but this has been a fantastic arc, setting things up. I like how this pans out, too.
ROGUE TROOPER // HOLIDAY IN THE HOTZONE by Karl Stock (w) Ilias Kyriazis (a) Simon Bowland (l)
With Nu Earth's seriousness, this adds a little humour—albeit dark humour. I like the action and the storytelling, and it actually finishes in an interesting manner that may cause some issues going forward.
THE OUT // BOOK FOUR by Dan Abnett (w) Mark Harrison (a) Simon Bowland (l)
More brilliant art here, and we have a mystery on a giant interstellar cruiseliner. I like the mystery and what goes beneath. The art continues to be amazing.
HAWK THE SLAYER // THE LAST OF HER KIND by Alec Worley (w) Simon Coleby (a) Gary Caldwell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
A welcome return for this character and there looks to be more evil sorcery to deal with. It has some good story setting up in this issue, along with some action too.
FUTURE SHOCKS // TIS THE SEASON FOR TAKING by Rob Williams (w) Pye Parr (a & l)
This was an entertaining Future Shock with the homeowners defending their stuff. I love the art and the twist at the end did make me smile.
STRONTIUM DOG // DOGHOUSE ROSES by Garth Ennis (w) Henry Flint (a) Rob Steen (l)
A slightly different look at the Search/Destroy Agents here, and this was excellent with a lot of the classic characters in there and a true villain getting taken care of
Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android