Out this week, the great 2000 AD continues its excellent selection of stories from Rebellion in Prog 2421.
UK and DIGITAL: 26 February £3.80
NORTH AMERICA: 2 April $25.99 (Prog Pack)
JUDGE DREDD // THE SHIFT by Ken Niemand (w) Nick Percival (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The horror for Dredd continues, while there is a new aspect to the story. Something I wasn’t expecting and it really adds something to both the story and the mythos behind it. The art continues to be incredible.
FULL TILT BOOGIE // BOOK THREE by Alex de Campi (w) Eduardo Ocana (a) Giulia Brusco (a) Simon Bowland (l)
Combining the series and the humour, we get a way in, and some training. All the while we are getting some extra-special character building. The little touches with the art and scenes make this series stand out too.
PORTALS & BLACK GOO // A QUORUM OF FIENDS by John Tomlinson (w) Eoin Coveney (a) Jim Boswell (c) Simon Bowland (l)
The mystery continues, and we are slowly discovering new aspects to the stories going on here and their link in them. The populist politician is just begging for something to happen to him…
HAWK THE SLAYER // THE LAST OF HER KIND by Alec Worley (w) Simon Coleby (a) Gary Caldwell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
The battle against the lady continues and we get some of the answer as to the ‘why’. Some excellent action here, and one last hurrah may be in order!
FIENDS OF THE WESTERN FRONT // WILDE WEST by Ian Edginton (w) Tiernen Trevallion (a) Jim Campbell (l)
Starting at the end of the issue, and leading us through. We get some good action (in the daylight) and an interesting ending adding something new to this story and either some help or a further problem…
Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android