Continuing stories are featured in this week’s 2000 AD from Rebellion, with Judge Dredd in a bad place and more science fiction and fantasy. Check out Prog 2422.
UK and DIGITAL: 5 March £3.80
NORTH AMERICA: 30 April $25.99 (Prog Pack)
JUDGE DREDD // THE SHIFT by Ken Niemand (w) Nick Percival (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Things aren’t looking good for Dredd, and the attacks on him continue. There looks to be a route out for him, but the other Judges on the outside aren’t fairing well. It seems there are plans for Dredd though…
FULL TILT BOOGIE // BOOK THREE by Alex de Campi (w) Eduardo Ocana (a) Giulia Brusco (a) Simon Bowland (l)
The disguises work to a degree and the team have found their way in. That doesn’t all go to plan though and I like the cliffhanger ending we get in this issue. A combination of fun moments and tension.
PORTALS & BLACK GOO // A QUORUM OF FIENDS by John Tomlinson (w) Eoin Coveney (a) Jim Boswell (c) Simon Bowland (l)
The links between all the characters continues well here and we are getting closer and closer. The art and dark style is excellent, and there is a lot of tension in the air.
HAWK THE SLAYER // THE LAST OF HER KIND by Alec Worley (w) Simon Coleby (a) Gary Caldwell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
An excellent finish and a link to the Hawk world at the end that I hadn’t thought of. This may lead to something else, but at the moment it is a bittersweet finish.
FIENDS OF THE WESTERN FRONT // WILDE WEST by Ian Edginton (w) Tiernen Trevallion (a) Jim Campbell (l)
There’s an unholy team-up here, and the lack of trust is all going to come out later. Meanwhile, we find a new place and things are not what they seem. I love the reveal and zoom out.
Available in print from: 2000 AD webshop, book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android