The action continues in Battle Action #6 from the Treasury Of British Comics is out this week and here are some of my thoughts below.
JOHNNY RED // A COUPLE OF HEROES by Garth Ennis (w) Keith Burns (a) Jason Wordie (c) Rob Steen (l)
This was an interesting mirror image of Johnny Red. It works well and shows a different side to the relative successes of Johnny Red and the fallen-from-grace counterpart from the German airforce. I look forward to seeing how this pans out and the inevitable confrontation (the final one) between the two.
HELLMAN // A WALK IN THE WOODS by Garth Ennis (w) Mike Dorey (a) Rob Steen (l)
Wow. This was something I wasn’t expecting. Considering the anniversary this year, this was a darker look into some of the horrors of this war. I think it was very well done and portrayed what many were thinking.
Available in print from: Treasury of British comics webshop, online retailers, book stores, and comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from:Treasury of British Comics webshop, 2000 AD app for Apple & Android