Beyond Real #3 continues Vault Comics' mind-bending look at reality, and it’s out now!
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An artist's style. June and her new allies escape to a breathtaking world where humanity is absent but all of nature is vibrantly personified. As June tries to use her powers to lead the trio to the simulation's final source, the world attacks them at every turn, threatening to drown them in doubt rather than let them find their way.
Writer: Zack Kaplan, Artists: Fabiana Mascolo, Toni Fejzula, Vincenzo Riccardi, Dennis Menheere, Jorge Corona, Luana Vecchio, Liana Kangas, Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, Designer: Tim Daniel & Cover A: John J. Pearson
The search for the source continues, and this is an issue that takes on comics as a medium, telling the story not only through words but also through art.
The art is fantastic, with twists and turns in every direction and some brilliant styling from the team. The colouring makes the atmosphere pop in this issue as we travel through a strange land.
As Jane travels through, we get some excellent moments. These include the character moments as Jane gets to grips with her past as an artist and what she is looking for as a future. It’s cleverly written, and the addition of the vibrant art adds to the story.
The story itself is excellent, with Jane and the team learning things about themselves as well as the world around them. As the issue finishes, we get onto the next level, some new and exciting art stylings to check out, and a move forward (perhaps) in this interesting story.