A new series begins this week from Red 5 Comics—an interesting reaction to life and mortality in Dying Days #1.
It's the ultimate race against time! When "The Aging" starts, people are aging at a rapid rate. Can the cause and solution be found, before it's too late?
(W) Matt Kund (A/CA) Bora Orcal
Dying Days takes on an interesting premise. Right now, generally, the standard of living is such that most people live longer. But what if that was flipped on its head? A virus has been released, which means that people are now living faster. They are gaining at a far more rapid rate, where the maximum age is now 40. That would make me geriatric!
This first issue is all about the setup. It gives us many of the key characters and their motivations. What it also does well is that there are some good background scenes. Away from the main characters, we are seeing how others are reacting. Some want to blow it all; some want to blow it all up. Things are now much more frantic as people want to squeeze in as much as possible.
Those in charge are making plans, and the rich seem to have their own way out. The seeming sb-plot of cryogentic freezing is interesting, and I wonder where that will go.
This is a slower beginning, with some good character moments, and I enjoyed the story and the art. I’m hoping that things will ramp up in later issues now that the setup has been worked out in this initial issue.
I think there is some very clever colouring in this issue and I like the tones reflecting what the emotion is in the story.