The penultimate part of this volume of Night Club is out now from Dark Horse Comics.
Danny started the Night Club because he wanted to do something good and use his powers as a vampire to help other people. Now he’s been murdered by the school bullies Sam initiated into the cult. Can Amy stop them before things get any worse?
Author: Mark Millar
Artist: Juanan Ramirez
The penultimate issue of this story arc, and while the bad vamps are making the most of what they now have, the Night Club have some serious regrouping to do.
This was excellent. It shows what the gang is all about—their aims and methods. A special visit to jail not only shows off their powers used for criminal gains but also their brutality. There is some excellent art throughout this, but the evil twinkle in the eyes is incredibly well done.
Meanwhile, the Night Club needs to rise from the grave. The use of the myths—or trying to—was very well done, and the comments about the sheer amounts of blood were well thought out parts of the story. This is something that I had not considered, but it makes a lot of sense.
This was an excellent issue and had the build-up for the big confrontation for the final issue. I enjoyed the art, and the character moments and reactions were fantastic. It will be interesting to see where this all leads.