Review - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game #1
It begins in this new issue from IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing has been building up to this for a long time, and now - after the build-up and opening moves - we are ready to start. This is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game #1.
The Armageddon Game Has Begun!
Under the leadership of the Shredder, the TMNT begin a dangerous quest to seek out allies against Rat King's trio of terror: LeatherKrang, Baxter Stockman, and Madame Null. It's a mission that will see the Turtles spread out across New York City... and across multiple dimensions! But they better hurry, because their enemies are already on the march, and things are not looking good for Mutant Town while most of our heroes are away. Desperate measures, false flag attacks, mysterious new villains, and unexpected alliances...
It all starts here in the premiere issue of the biggest TMNT event of the year!
Writer: Tom Waltz, Artist & Cover Artist: Vincenzo Federici, Variant Cover Artist: Gabriele Dell'Otto, Variant Cover Artist: Kevin Eastman, Variant Cover Artist: Mateus Santolouco, Variant Cover Artist: Mico Suayan, Variant Cover Artist: Pasquale Qualano, Variant Cover Artist: Skan, Variant Cover Artist: Esau Escorza, Variant Cover Artist: Isaac Escorza, Variant Cover Artist: John Giang, Variant Cover Artist: Ivan Tao, Variant Cover Artist: Peejay Catacutan, Variant Cover Artist: Noah Sult & Variant Cover Artist Björn Barends
There has been a clever build-up in this upcoming storyline. All the main players have been put into place, and there are some excellent issues where newer readers can get the information they need. Some of these little factoids go back very far.
We’ve had the opening moves and the establishment of not only the characters involved but also the nature and stakes of the game. Now we are into it and can see where it will lead us.
Judging from the checklist at the end of this issue, we have a long way to go, and I’m already thinking about the potential fallout from this will be…
This issue wraps up a lot of the buildup issues and gets us right into the beginning moves of the game. Shredder, with the TMNT, is organising one side, looking at potential alliances for those who have caused problems for the Rat King and his pieces. It looks to me that the knowledge Shredder gained is being put to good use, as these allies may have what it takes to neutralise the opposing team. Although there are already tensions and issues with gaining these alliances. And I can see more to come with Raphael seeking Hob and his help…
On the other side, the Rat King is making his moves. He does have his pieces, but there do seem to be some problems building up here too. The issues surrounding Krang are well played and may build into the larger storyline as it progresses. Null is also there, and she seems to have more mercenary plans in mind for the game - she may shift if the money markets seem right. Then we are onto Stockman - he has some grand ideals, and it looks like the incident at the end is a false flag with the idea to leave him looking sympathetic and to have some reason to go after the TMNT.
Overall, this was a packed issue with some excellent art and scenes showing the characters' different reactions. This looks to be an interesting story, building on a lot of the history of the TMNT.