Two comic series reach their penultimate issues this week written by Mark Millar and from Image Comics - Night Club #5 and The Ambassadors #5.
Night Club #5
It’s all coming to a head as the vampire biker gang tells Danny and his friends that their superhero days are over and they have to become bloodthirsty murderers just like them. If they refuse? The bad guys are going to slaughter their families right in front of them.
by Mark Millar (Author), Ben Templesmith (Cover Art), Juanan Ramirez (Artist)
Issue five of this story brings it all together. The other vampires, the missions, and the why. With an excellent backstory and flashback, I liked how this all played out.
The Vampire Biker is more than we thought, and we get the story of the other vampires and what they are up to. There is something quite nasty about all of them, but there is the one that looks to scare them all. I like how this built up to what you would think the final battle would be, and this has some excellent moments.
Yes, it’s vampires, so blood and gore will abound, but it plays out well, and the ending really makes me unsure of how this will all play out.
The art is well done, with brilliant colours and effects. The characters are well-shown and have some excellent expressions and well-shown action scenes.
The Ambassadors #5
The Ambassadors are special individuals, handpicked from every country for their incredible decency. So why is the Australian Ambassador an old-school, anti-progressive PR nightmare?
by Mark Millar (Author), Matteo Buffagni (Cover Art, Artist)
This had a nice twist, and I wondered how it would be made to work. The court may still be out on this one, but I like how it was dealt with, and the Australian Ambassador is played out as a character. It does give you a new insight into the character involved.
We get an interesting look at the powers here as well. Their sharing is well played out, and I like how that may cause some issues.
This issue has a nice surprise, which means the final issue is up in the air.
I enjoyed the art here, mostly in the cold and snow, but with a flip to the hotter climbs for the ending. The use of light and different atmospheres work out well.
Bringing this all together for the final issue seems like a stretch!