Roxy, The Smurfs, Quantum & Black Mirror
From Rebellion, Papercutz, Time Bomb Comics & Twisted Comics
The latest comics news including:
Your chance to get a copy of Roxy.
Out now, a new volume of The Smurfs.
John Higgins joins Quantum #11.
And a Black Mirror update from Neil Gibson’s Twisted Comics.
The Roxy Revolution Has Arrived!
After a successful Kickstarter, Rebellion announced that the classic anthology Roxy was now available directly.
Rebellion is delighted to announce that after the successful Kickstarter campaign for our revival of the classic romance comic Roxy, editions of the title are winging their way to backers now!
Featuring four tales of love and romance from some of the finest creators working in comics today, and with covers by Hannah Templer, Tula Lotay and Marguerite Bennett, this is an anthology guaranteed to leave you gasping for air!
Roxy features four all-new romance stories:
The Getaway Girls by Alex de Campi and Erica Henderson, the queer supermodel heist adventure you never knew you needed!
Banmoor by Magdalene Visaggio and Sterric, a trip back in time to the regency era!
Flowers for Agatha by Sarah Gordon, a spirited walk through the undead woods!
What I Was Made For by Nadia Shammas and Jaws Stone, a futuristic flirtation between soldier and mech!

Originally launched in 1958, the original Roxy ran for 288 weekly issues which caught the imagination of young readers across Britain. Now, the title returns for an all-new anthology featuring four modern romance stories bound to inspire a whole new generation.
But if you missed out on Roxy when it was running on Kickstarter last year, never fear: physical and digital copies of the collection
will also be available on the Treasury of British Comics webstore from Wednesday 12th February - just in time to order ahead of Valentine's Day!
This edition features Hannah Templer's classical cover featuring moments from across all four stories, available as a gorgeous paperback - or as a digital copy to read on-the-go! Whatever your level of spice, Roxy has something for you as it revives the spirit of classic British romance comics for the 21st century.
Kickstarter copies of Roxy are now being fulfilled for all backers - but if you missed out, head to the Treasury of British Comics webstore from Wednesday 12th February for a second chance!
On-Sale Now: The Smurfs Archives Vol. 1
Some classic stories from Papercutz, with The Smurfs Archives Vol. 1 on sale now. Check out the details and a preview below.
Papercutz and Mad Cave Studios are pleased to announce The Smurfs Archives: Vol. 1– a momentous hardcover publication of the very first smurfs stories ever committed to the page.

For the first time ever, The Smurfs adventures are collected in their originally published order in English. From their very first appearance in the 1958 Johan and Peewit story, “The Smurfs and the Magic Flute,” to their debut “Little Smurfs” adventures and their 1963, first album-sized story “The Flying Smurf,” The Smurfs Archives Volume 1 is the perfect collection for every Smurf fan, young and old. Collecting the first twelve Smurf stories along with introductions and historical context by Smurfologist, Matt Murray, this 304-page hardcover collector’s edition is a must own book.
This hardcover collection has never been presented in this format before with over 300 pages of story and historical commentary.
We hope you’ll join us in announcing this exciting new addition to the Smurfs legacy! The book is available for preorder now wherever books are sold, including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Bookshop.
John Higgins in Quantum from Time Bomb Comics!
News from Time Bomb Comics about a new addition to the anthology comic Quantum.
The brilliant John Higgins has teamed up with Time Bomb Comics to produce a brand-new, exclusive Razorjack story that will feature in issue 11 of the Quantum anthology series.
Working with colourist Sally Jane Hurst, John has written and drawn a 10-page mind-bending tale that brings his long-time SF creation crashing into the world of WesterNoir, the western horror series which features in the Quantum title.

John, best known for his work for 2000AD, alongside Marvel, DC and as the colourist for Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons Watchmen, has long been an iconic creator. Razorjack has appeared in titles published by Com.X, Titan and Rebellion, but was first self-published by John in 1999.
WesterNoir, originally created by writer Dave West and artist Gary Crutchley, first appeared as a black and white comic published by Accent UK. It has since been developed into a full-colour series of original graphic novels published by Time Bomb, with the WesterNoir stories in Quantum presenting new stories in the same setting.
John Higgins explained why this new outing for Razorjack appeals to him:
“Razorjack is a creative itch, and regularly seeing Time Bomb creators at conventions. Recognising the enthusiasm and hard work that goes into independent publishing every time we had met up, I felt I was talking to like minded creators. A number of times Dave West and I had talked about working on something together, and finally we sat down and talked ideas. WesterNoir seemed like a comfortable fit for a Twisted Sister incursion.
“I felt the adventure template Dave and Jemma had in place was versatile enough to seamlessly slip a Razorjack time travel tale within a western supernatural setting. The WesterNoir premise allowed a neat little twist ending that the regular readers of Quantum will in the future be able to place in the jigsaw of clues [WesterNoir writers] Dave and Jemma have put into the mythology of their western world!”
The Quantum comic, soon to enter its third year, has become a popular mainstay of the British indie comics scene. This has been in part due to its presence in Local Newsagents, which is a huge achievement for any indie comic press. This collaboration with Higgins is a further sign of the comics success.
Featuring a collection of tales from ‘worlds which are not our own’, the anthology includes cult favourite stories such as Major Rakhana by Steve Tanner and Roland Bird, alongside new stories such as Space Banshee Exorcist by Katie Cunningham and Danielle Wiebe.
Quantum issue 11 is expected into UK newsagents towards the end of February, and will also soon be available to pre-order through Diamond.
Subscriptions to Quantum direct from the publisher are available to UK residents. Visit Quantum Comics at for more details.
San Junipero gets the comic treatment.
Teasing on their announcement of their team-up with Black Mirror, Neil Gibson’s Twisted Comics has sent out some teases of what we can expect and what the first comic will be based on!
We can now reveal that the first story we’re transforming is San Junipero — the fan-favourite from Season 3, Episode 4. Of course, we’re adding our own little twist to it, but let’s skip the talking and get straight to the showing.