Spotlight: The Misadventures of Spring-Heeled Jack
The Misadventures of Spring-Heeled Jack follows the adventures of the eponymous hero as well as his friends and co-conspirators, Tina Biscuit (clever and sneaky) and Hyde, the gentle, sophisticated beast.
Set in Victorian (or ‘olden days’) London, Issue 1 introduced us to these characters and their mission to help the poorest and re-distribute wealth in their own unique and hopefully hilarious ways.
With two issues of these misadventures out now, I had already read the first issue (see above) and then I was able to get the second issue of this series at MCM Comic Con London.
The Misadventures of Spring-Heeled Jack contains some excellent humour and is really on my level. I have found myself smiling all the way through these stories.
With an excellent cast of characters, this is a fun set of reading for all ages. The stories are well told and are a lot of fun. Tom Sparke's art is excellent, with a really good cartoony feel, with some fun scenes and expressions.
If you are looking for some misdeeds and fun, then Spring-Heeled Jack is the way to go.
You can get copies of The Misadventures of Spring-Heeled Jack at his Etsy shop here, or on BuySmallPress here. If you want to read it digitally, then check it out on the Comichaus app here.
You can catch up with creator Tom Sparke on his website here.