For sale digitally over on Gumroad from Melvin Cartagena, known as RoboPulp, is The Plot.
Corman is in a bare room, with no clear idea of how he got there. He's facing down a group of hostile men in black suits and sunglasses. They behave like police, but have shown no badges, or offered any names to Corman.
They have an intense interest in Corman's creative habits. Why did he choose that particular bench to sit and draw? What led to the fatal altercation between Corman and the stranger that sat next to him on the bench? The men in black suits and sunglasses are very interested in the character he created for his comic book.
This was an intriguing read made for reading in landscape mode - perfect for on your PC and just involving turning your tablet/phone by 90 degrees.
This story is what it does - it turns you by 90 degrees!
We kick off with an interrogation - Corman seems to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. It looks like that he has said the wrong thing - or hasn’t said the right thing. Things escalate for him there, and he makes some interesting discoveries about those asking the questions.
After this, his life isn’t the same…
There are some excellent sequences; we start to get a handle on this bad day and what lead to Corman being here, under the spotlight. There are some well played out scenes as we first hear and then see the results of this unfortunate meeting.
I like the dark art style, and the shades of grey make the tone.
No spoilers, but about two-thirds of the way in, the situation takes a turn - in a well-done way.
Mel contacted me here, and I’m always happy to review, preview and promote new comics.
You can get The Plot on Gumroad here and follow RoboPulp on Twitter here.