Putting together a selection of drawings, cartoons and more that I have produced over the years was difficult. Some were done with pens and paper, and some were digital. There was an overarching theme, though - our family adventures.
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Some early comic strips I did using copic markers. These were a lot of fun to draw, and getting the expressions right was especially pleasing. When I scanned them in, though, the colours did look muted, so I did enhance them to bring them out again1.
The top strip, my daughter hates - and I suppose for good reason. She’s 18 now, so this was drawn a long time ago. I can’t belive she was going to try to blame me.
The second one was interesting. My youngest had (and still has) a little monkey he called Non-Non. He had him all the time, and he is another family member. For some reason, though, he would end up upside down no matter how he was tucked in!
You can get …And Then…? at my Gumroad store at the link below.
Not Photoshop, though. I used the freeware called Gimp.