A new horror tale is out now from Zenescope Entertainment. Grimm Tales Of Terror #3 features The Devil’s Chair.
The Devil’s Chair
There are many legends surrounding devil’s chairs scattered across the United States, but none as chilling as the one that sits at the Cassadaga Cemetery in Florida. Whether it’s; stories of unopened beers left overnight being drunk, still sealed. The whispers of the actual devil himself in the ears of all those who sit upon it. Or the most terrifying of all, one where a man who sat on the chair disappeared kicking and screaming as he was drug to hell. But whatever tales you wish to believe to be true. One thing is for certain, the Devil’s Chair in Cassadaga, Florida is not one to be taken lightly!
Writer: Dave Franchini
Artwork: Rodrigo Xavier Colors Robby Bevard
Letters: Taylor Esposito (Of Ghost Glyph Studios)
Editor: Dave Franchini, and Production & Design: Christopher Cote
A new horror tale and it continues on the school theme of the first issue. Nevertheless, this issue does a fine job of introducing us to the main characters and what their goals are.
On top of that, we get a short bit of the myth behind The Devil's Chair.
As one character sits on the chair, it appears that m nothing untoward had happened. Quite the opposite in fact and things seem to be going well. To well in fact!
From that high, things go rapidly downhill. With death and devilment this is a good horror team, perhaps not one of the best, but still enjoyable. It takes a local legend and adds something new to it. It also, cleverly in my opinion, doesn't show the whole horror, but it has something of a dark light about it.
There is some good artwork and used of colouring styles here and I got straight into this comic.