Review: Hawk The Slayer #2
From Rebellion this week is the second issue of this mini-series, this is Hawk The Slayer #2.
UK and DIGITAL: 11 May £3.99
NORTH AMERICA: 8 June $6.50
Hawk’s deepest fears have been confirmed - dark forces have returned to plague the land and only he stands any chance of stopping them! Reunited with the warrior giant, Gort and the skilled Elfin Bowman Crow, as well as some new comrades, Hawk must venture into the Forest of Weir to learn the true identity of his enemy.
CREATIVE TEAM: Garth Ennis (w) Henry Flint (a) Rob Steen (l)
COVER: Greg Staples
The five - of sorts - are back together, with a good mix of characters. Hawk and his group are now aware of the threat up against them, and there is some good conversation between all of the characters as to what their history is and their motivation is. The hint about the bard was well done, and I can see that he has a role yet to play. In the meantime, he is good comic relief, and someone for the reader to connect with.
Voltan on the other hand has his own problems. Being brought back from the dead is not all it's thought to be, with pain from a wound still causing problems. this harks back to his initial issues with Hawk. At least we get to see what his mad motivations are for his masters. A promise which may or may not be fulfilled.
This was a good set-up issue. It was low on the action - save for some stray crossbow bolts - but had some good information and setup of the characters.
I enjoyed the artwork here, there were some good expressions and the light and dark areas were well played out - especially in the dark wood. The colours work really well with the style of the story.
Available in print from: comic book stores via Diamond
Available in digital from: 2000 AD webshop & apps for iPad, Android and Windows 10