The adventures continue in Space Ghost #3 from Dynamite Comics; this continues to be an enjoyable read.
‘Because you’re not the only ones who lost their family to these monsters.’
Enter the Widow! Is she friend or foe? Rolling the dice and trusting the potentially untrustworthy, the Ghost crew takes the fight to Robo-Corp. Will their new ally be the key they’ve been missing in bringing down the evil Robo-Corp once-and-for-all? Find out in this issue!
Written by David (Punisher) Pepose and drawn by Dynamite superstar Jonathan Lau, issue #1 features an array of the most incredible artists in the known Galaxy: Bjorn Barends, Francesco Mattina, Jae Lee and Michael Cho!
This issue, which gives us a small time jump, admirably balances good action with clever and excellent world-building.
Of course, we don’t get it all, and there are little hints as to who knows what, and I expect we will get teases of things in the future.
We start with some good action. It’s clever as it showcases how Space Ghost and the kids work together, what they have learned, and their interactions. Of course, they are still children thrust into this world, and mistakes through youthful exuberance are going to happen. This does happen here, and it does seem to work as a learning curve for them all.
The introduction of the Widow is engaging, and it looks like it may be too easy and too good to be true. This happens with some nice twists and turns along the way. The kids make a pleasant addition to it all - it’s not all grim and gritty and adds some humour to the story.
The artwork continues to be fantastic, showing off the various powers and spreading some organic feeling moments to build the story. There are some excellent uses of the art to show the strength and tension in some scenes, too.
This continues to be an engrossing story, and I look forward to the subsequent introductions…