Out now is the final part of the long-running storyline within the pages of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and its spin-off titles. This is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Armageddon Game #8 from IDW Publishing.
Apocalypse Now! The pawns have fallen! The rooks have hunkered down. The knights continue to rally! All the while, the Rat King has looked on in glee as Oruku Saki, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and even his allies, the Trio of Terror, have played their parts. But now, as true chaos becomes manifest, the regent of rodents is faced with the full results of his machinations. The Pantheon will play! Whether chaos reigns or order wins the day, what comes next will forever change the world of the TMNT. Don't miss the epic conclusion of The Armageddon Game!
by Tom Waltz (Author), Vincenzo Federici (Artist), Matt Herms (Colorist)
This all finishes up with a bang! There were some aspects we saw coming. The chaotic nature of the Rat King meant that something wouldn’t work in all their plans.
Even so, this was an excellent ending to the story. Not only does it conclude some long-running threads across the TMNT universe, for example, the Rat King and his siblings, but it also sets things up for the future.
It’s interesting, as we have already seen some of the fallout in the main series:
This issue does a good job of showing us how we got to that point, and things are moving on.
The issue does an excellent job of bringing together all the characters and setting them on their way to the future. There is a lot of scope for future adventures here, some are obvious, and some are hinted at - even so, it shows that this series has some good legs and things planned as we move on.
The art flits from place to (Thin) place, and that and the colouring work really well, especially with the more mystical elements.