So I’ve always had a lot of stories in my mind. Some are inspired by what I see or hear, and some just fall out of the sky. With this in mind, I came up with Angel Interceptors.
In my first issue, I wanted to start with a teaser, and this teaser was a prologue set a few hundred years ago. This became a theme as I fleshed out the story in my head.
I hope this kick-off intrigues the readers and adds hints to the story. It features an actual event and has some links to characters to come. So it is essential.
This story has the scope to be long-form, unlike anything I have ever attempted.
Read more about the Al in Custard - The Jam Roly-Poly Issue. You can get it here on my Gumroad store, and further issues of Custard here.
Also available is my art book - Drawing for a Month, and a selection of comic strips called …And Then…?