Tales From The Quarantine - Still Dead, Frazer Brown Restricted From Kickstarter
The comics crowdfunder makes a decision.
It’s been some time that I have spoken on here about Tales From The Quarantine. A lot of what I went through can not only be detailed here:
After getting a refund on the book - possibly to shut me up over the noise I was making on the lack of news, books or details on the charity donations promised to all that backed the book.
The legendary Comics Printing UK kicked things off and never let up, along with a whole host of the comics community gathered together in different ways to get some sort of straight answer from the evasive Frazer Brown and his ‘team’ at Red Cabin Comics.
Kickstarter had announced that their legal department were looking into the account, and now news has come about that Frazer Brown has now been restricted on Kickstarter.
Admittedly, we would all like the book. I have read the digital version of the book (which was not print ready) and I support both the charities that the money was supposed to go to, and the creators involved - I wish them all the best for the future.
If you want more information on those creators, I strongly recommend you read the impact on them on Broken Frontier.
This has been a story of broken promises, lies, and vague ‘updates’ that don’t tell us anything.
There has been no detail on what has been done with the £37,000+ that was raised in various ways for this project, and I wonder if there will be more investigation over this.
On a more surreal front, Red Cabin Comics seem to be trying to latch onto the recently announced charity anthology from Mad Cave Studios, but they are still also stating that Tales From The Quarantine is still going to be delivered!

I still think Frazer Brown has questions to answer. Maybe we will.
Previously on Tales From The Quarantine: