In The Beginning
So I didn’t get to go on my longboard over the last two weeks. That’s not to say I didn’t get any exercise, though.
Zombies, Run! is a fantastic storytelling running app. I had done the smaller Zombies, Run! 5K to get going, and now I am working through the story. I generally find running boring, so this does entertain me!
This newsletter is another big one. I have some news and reviews upcoming, but I still feel as if I am neglecting you all…
I have also got some plotting for my next issue of Custard done, so, hopefully, some update there.
In the meantime, here is some news on other issues - Angel Interceptors - Chapter 1
Comic News
From the Treasury of British Comics, the news is that a new volume of the classic horror The Thirteenth Floor is coming soon.
Archie Comics is ramping up the horror with the return of Madam Satan.
TidalWave Comics released details and links to its comics in July 2023.
Ablaze Publishing has a new series beginning soon - Almost Dead. They also have a number of new releases coming in September and October.
Time Bomb Comics has a new addition - a guide to publishing your comics. And Spectrum is returning with issue #2
There is a new and very interesting horror series starting soon from Mad Cave Studios.
Vault Comics has two new series coming up - Sainted Love is hot off of their Kickstarter. They have also teamed up with Skull Candy to add something new to their graphic novels.
Rebellion has some interesting news on a special 2000 AD and Battle Action mix.
GlobalComix has added a new publisher - SK6 have a selection of LGBTQ+ titles.
PaperCutz has a new historical graphic novel coming in 2024.
Geek-Girl has returned with a new Kickstarter, and it’s live now!
Fund Me Friday: A New Geek-Girl Arc - Identity Crisis
There’s a special review - Space Fartz - which made me smile all the way through.
There’s the latest look at creators on the ‘dead’ Kickstarter - Tales From The Quarantine.

The excellent Nord from Martin Simpson is coming from Soaring Penguin Press, and I think you can still order it on Crowdfundr.
Downlands is an amazing read from Norm Konyu - check out his shop to get it.
There is a special review of The InSpectres: Volume 1 from Blue Fox Comics. Fresh out after another successful Kickstarter.
From Rebellion, there is the latest issues of 2000 AD and well the latest issue of Battle Action.
The ongoing story arc continues from Zenescope Entertainment with a new quarterly special and issue of Grimm Fairy Tales. Gretel’s story continues too.
The first issue of new series from Mad Robot Comics arrived recently - Vehi-Kill #1.
There’s a new series from IDW Publishing and the penultimate issue of The Last Ronin: The Lost Years.